Where Business GO
The New Jersey Small Business Development Center was established by Congress in 1978 as one of the first national SBDC pilot projects resulting from the passage of Public Law 96-302. At present the NJSBDC network is composed of the headquarters located at Rutgers Business School – Newark and New Brunswick, and 12, full-service, regional centers, and an additional 28 affiliate (or satellite) offices located throughout the state. Regional centers are hosted by and affiliated with a two- and four-year college and university business programs with a major footprint for comprehensive small business assistance and outreach.
NJSBDC Directors and consultants are paid, proven professionals with graduate level degrees in business and many years practical experience with bottom line responsibility. Working for the NJSBDC is their career of choice that continually challenges them with formulating strategic solutions to client issues. Every four years they undergo the rigors of the Baldrige Quality Assurance Standards to maintain the highest quality customer service and a national accreditation. These dedicated professionals have “skin in the game” to assist you with moving your business forward at no cost to you. Seasoned private sector consultants from an array of industries and occupations provide more specialized and in-depth counseling to established and high-growth businesses. Additionally, experts and training in international trade, government procurement, technology commercialization, e-commerce, and information E-business services are available statewide and coordinated through the NJSBDC network headquarters. The NJSBDC network also provides opportunities for college students (undergraduate and graduate) pursuing business degrees to participate in research and obtain first-hand business experience under the supervision of business professionals and faculty at the respective host institutions, working through consulting teams.